Thursday, August 27, 2020

Scavenging in Zombietown

Here's an after action report from a game I ran not too long ago.

Ruleset: All Things Zombie by Two Hour Wargames

Thought I’d try a round of All Things Zombie for the first time in more than a decade. A little clumsy, and I’m sure I missed a few reaction rules for the zeds, but all in all a lot of fun.

About Adventures on the Tabletop


I am a long time wargamer / hobbyest setting out with this blog to help spread the joys of tabletop gaming, as well as motivate myself to get some projects done.  This will be primarily geared toward tabletop miniatures games, but may see some other varieties sprinkled in now and again.  Posts will be irregular, but hopefully plentiful.  

About me:

You can call me Mahoo, and may come across some postings across various forums about the internet under the same name. I'm from outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in the United States.

I first started with tabletop games in middle school when my brother and some school friends dipped out toes into the sea of Dungeons and Dragons.  We dabbled with a few games now and again, but never really got ourselves organized to really play the game properly.  A few years later I found a great hobbyshop in our town, and was introduced to classic Battletech. My friends and I played it regularly, starting with the boxed sets and hex-maps, then taking it to tabletop using some boards the local shop had.  From there I was hooked.

As I graduated highschool and started off in college, my friends and I discovered Warhammer Fantasy Battles, just into 6th edition, I believe.  We played for years, expanding my collection and spending far too much on several armies. We spun off into other Games Workshop properties as our gaming group expanded, getting into Mordheim, Warhammer Ancients (although briefly), and into Legends of the Old West.

I managed to stick with the hobby for several more years, but after college and pursuing graduate school, I got away from things. I found my way back into it after a few changes in my lifestyle, due in part to 2020's Corona Virus outbreak.  

With newfound zeal for a long lost hobby venture, I find myself starting this to entertain myself, and hopefully a few who may find my ramblings.

Stay tuned for more to come! And I'm always open to comments, criticism, and general discussion!