Monday, February 21, 2022

Rangers of Shadowdeep - Mission 1:2

Ruleset: Rangers of Shadowdeep

Mission 1: The Missing
Scenario 2: The Infected Trees

After a rough go investigating the secluded village, Ranger Jonas and his team set out into the middle of the nearby woodlands. Having found a mutilated corpse with large bite marks in it, Jonas was ready for what lay ahead. Making swift time, they raced ahead and found what they sought; several webbed nest trees and a collection of spiders (-1 for successful tracking roll by the archer Sally Tangleshoot).  Fenra the savage, still feeling her wounds from action inside the village, spied some Farlight Leaf as they moved in on the area, which Sally hurriedly consumed to bolster her aim. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Blog Update 2/22

Howdy all!

The blog has been inactive for quite some time now, but I'm hoping to make some more regular content now.  I've spent the time away still adding to my collection, adding quite a few rule sets and many more models and terrain sets.  Unfortunately, life gets in the way, so I rarely get to play games.  As I never intended this to be an update on any painting/progress, with no gaming comes no posts.  

However, with the collection of rulesets to try out, and some models to make it happen, I'm planning on getting some more games in in the coming months. This should make for some new content!  

See you on the tabletop!

First Foray into Rangers of Shadowdeep

Ruleset: Rangers of Shadowdeep

I finally got around to playing my first game tonight after picking up this game about a year ago. Solo game with a melee-focused ranger, accompanied by an archer (bow), hound, savage, rogue, and conjurer (lure and magic bolt).