Continuing the adventures in our small kingdom's adventures, picking up after the clash of patrol vs raiding party.
Ruleset: A Song of Blades and Heroes
After their defeat at the hands of the gnoll raiding part, the kingdom soldiers regrouped at a local mission by the lake. Fearing persuit of the raiders, the guardsmen quickly set up a few hasty defenses to try and hold out. Hearing tales of easy plunder and opportunity to feast, more gnolls flock to form a war party and drive to finish off the last of the militia. If they can wipe out last of the guards, they will be able to sweep through the rest of the countryside unopposed until another force can be mustered to oppose them!
Kingdom guardsmen ready to defend the mission and take a stand. 405 points. 2 mages, 3 elite archers, 3 warriors, a thief, and basic leader.
The gnoll raiders come through an underground passage toward the nearby settlement. 500 points. Armored chiefton (spear model), 4 guards w/ 2HW, 6 warriors with HW, 4 archers.
The guards move to take up defenses as the foul beasts advance from their warren.
As the raiders draw near, the guard archers show their worth, felling a few on the approach.
On the east flank, 1 dead and 1 fallen raider
Pushing forward, the raiders threaten the barricades on the east side.
On the south flank, a hungry beast charges the barricade but is cut down as he attacks.
At the east gate, a gnoll archer pins down the guard leader as his brethren surge closer.
The great axe easily dispatches the human leader as the gnolls gain ground.
With the loss of their captain, the guardsmen fall back, giving up a bit of ground and abandoning their defensive positions.
The gnoll crossbowman manages a lucky shot and staggers the enemy wizard.
The raiders' remaining bowmen finally stop bickering and start their advance.
Things look grim as the gnolls push into the mission, swarming the defenders.
The humans are losing more ground and reeling from the assault.
Recovering from the near miss of the crossbow bolt, the mage manages to transfix the elite raider.
Who is in turn dispatched by the sneaking thief who had sought just such an opportunity.
At the east barricades, things get bloody, with both sides mounting losses.
The great axe raider charges the thief, but our wily friend trips him
The raider chiefton joins the fight against the thief, but is in turn transfixed by the nearby mage.
A long back and forth combat in the center with both sides giving up activations and turn overs frequently
On the southern barricade, the last raider is finally dispatched under a hail of arrows and finished off by the blade.
Continued fumbling in the center melee.
The archer guard jumps in to help, finding few nearby targets for his bow.
Beasts start to scatter, and with losses mounting, the remaining flee back to their den to fight again another day.
With the routing of the gnoll savages, the guardsmen find a brief respite to tend to their wounded and reorganize themselves. It won't be long before they have to set back out to try to purge the land of the wild filth and restore peace and order.
It was a rough game, with the Raiders suffering early on from several turn overs, while the guardsmen ranged units earned their pay. Its amazing how this game can heat up with turnovers at the worst times, especially in key combat moments. Several times in this game poor rolls would lead to missed opportunities to finish off downed foes, or prevent those models from getting back up after left exposed.
I'm really liking this game system, and it works terrific for solo play.
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